Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 793


Happy new year!!! 🎉
It’s nine o’clock, and I’m still awake! Will wonders never cease? 😹
But seriously, I fully intend to stay up because I have to do my regular routine and open the front door at midnight to let the good vibes in.
Rosie plans to stay up too, but it did take some time to convince her… She’s been busy working on a couple projects.

But she’s learned a thing or two about letting her fur down and enjoying herself sometimes…

That, of course, was never a problem for Tabs. He always knew how to party…

Maybe it was because he was a world-renowned kitty supermodel who traveled the world for his famous ad campaigns.

Rosie’s no slouch, though. She also knows how to party…

In fact, that’s what she’s doing right meow! 😆

Have a wonderful 2024. See you next year.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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