How to Use Plum for Skin Care


How to Use Plum for Skin Care – Know the Benefits – Plums are not easily available in Indian market. This fruit is a storehouse of vitamin C, which makes it highly beneficial for our skin, hair and health. Along with adding it to your diet, if you can apply this fruit on skin, the results are bound to surprise you. In this article, we will share the amazing benefits and uses of plum for skin care. Plums are delicious juicy fruit. When the fruit is fresh, we call it plum and when it is dried, it is known as prunes. Along with vitamin C, plums are a great natural source of other vitamins, such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, E and K. It provides excellent anti oxidant support to our skin and enhances our skin texture and tone. Check below how to use plum for skin care.Check – Honey to Get Soft Skin Before we start exploring why and how to use plum for skin care, lets first introduce ourselves to this amazing fruit. What is Plum? Plums are juicy and delicious fruit that belongs to the genus Prunas domestica of the Rosaceae family that also include peaches, apricots, almonds and nectarine. There are 2000 different varieties of plums which are available in different colors and shapes. In general, plums are divided in three categories – European-Asian Plums, Japanese Plums and Damson plums. The first two varieties are commercially more important than the last one. Plums grow in small shrubs, which is grown all across the globe, specially in China, Japan, US and Europe. The trees normally grow to a height of 10-15 meters. Plums are a type of stone fruit with a smooth pit and the pulp inside varies in color from creamy yellow to crimson red. The outer skin of the fruit also varies in color and can be yellow, dark red, purple or black in color. China is the leading nation in plum harvesting. Within the US, California is the place where most of the production happens. India is not a major harvester of plums. There are 12 varieties of plums available in India with Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir being the major producer. Benefits of Using Plum for Skin Care One of the major benefits of plum for our skin is that it has the ability to improve firmness of our skin and also improves skin tone. This can be attributed to the high amount of Vitamin C in plum. Vitamin C is a strong anti oxidant that boosts the collagen production. It does the job by increasing the production of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine in our body. These are two compounds which are needed for binding the molecules that produce collagen. And collagen is a type of protein that plays a vital role in production and texture of our skin, hair etc. Lack of collagen can lead to dull, saggy and lifeless skin. Plum works as natural complexion booster. This benefit can be attributed to its vitamin C content. Vitamin C is well known for its ability to lighten scars and marks as well as brighten complexion over time. Plums contain a high amount of vitamin C, which is why it is considered beneficial to treat dark spots, skin discoloration as well as age spots. Also plum can improve blood flow in the skin, which also helps in minimizing the appearances of marks and scars. Plum has anti aging properties for our skin. It is very effective in reducing the appearances of aging signs, such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, etc. Plum is super beneficial to prevent premature aging, because of its anti oxidant components. It contains Vitamin C, E as well as beta-carotene which fights off the free radicals and protect our body cells from oxidative damage. This way, plum works to keep aging signs at bay. Furthermore, the anti inflammatory benefits of plums play a vital role in promoting the elasticity of our skin. It boosts blood circulation in our skin as well as reduces inflammation. If you are suffering from acne and pimples and looking for a natural solution, then plum can be your best bet. Plum contains high amount of vitamin C, which is quite effective in treating acne. Vitamin C is a powerful anti oxidant, which prevent our skin from the inflammation and scarring related to acne. It also boosts collagen production and collagen is extremely important for healthy and glowing skin. It also helps to bring down the redness associated with acne. Plums also come with vitamin A in them, which is another important nutrient to fight acne and acne scars. It promotes healthy skin cell production which is important in acne treatment. Plum can be really effective in treating sun damage. The reason being, plums are loaded with anti oxidant like vitamin C and vitamin E. These anti oxidants fight off free radicals, boost new cell growth, preserves the youthfulness of our skin as well as prevent the skin from getting rough and wrinkled due to severe sun damage. Plums are also very effective in treating under eye puffiness. This fruit can boost blood flow in the skin and as a result, reduces the puffiness under the eyes. Also plums contain vitamin C, which helps in brightening the under eye area and rejuvenating the same. Simple Ways to Use Plum for Skin Care 1. Simple Plum Remedy for Skin Care How to use? Take 2-3 ripe plums and take out the pulp. Mash them in a bowl and apply the pulp directly to your face as well as neck. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Reapply this simple plum remedy twice or thrice in a week to get naturally healthy, glowing skin. 2. Plum and Rose Water Remedy for Skin Care How to use plum and rose water for skin care? Take 2-3 plums and take out the pulp. Mash the pulp and then mix it with some pure rose water. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face as well as neck. Massage the skin gently with your fingertips for few minutes. Allow it to sit on the skin for another 15-20 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Reapply this homemade healthy skin remedy with plum and rose water twice or thrice weekly. Benefits – Rose water helps us to get healthy, glowing and even toned skin. It contains various natural bio active chemicals which are enriched with amazing benefits for our skin. Also, it contains rose oil, that help us to achieve glowing and even toned skin. Rose oil can stimulate the activities of keratinocytes skin cells. These cells help making our complexion even toned and radiant. Also, they come with anti inflammatory benefits that help treating inflammatory skin conditions and further boost skin health. Along with these, rose water is a source of various skin friendly nutrients such as vitamin A, B3, C, E as well as anti oxidants. Vitamin A boosts new cell growth, which helps with lightening scars and marks, thus improving complexion. Also, this vitamin has great moisturizing benefits, which helps to heal dry skin, making it soft and glowing. Vitamin A can increase blood flow to the skin, which provides the skin cells with maximum nourishment and keep them healthy. This further leads to glowing complexion. Rose water contains vitamin B3 as well, that has anti oxidant benefits. This vitamin protects our skin cells from oxidative damage and helps to treat various skin problems, including acne, early aging, dryness, dullness, etc. Furthermore, vitamin B3 supports new cell growth to make our skin clearer and glowing. Rose water is a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C has amazing benefits for our skin. It is an anti oxidant, that helps removing toxins from the skin cells, thus preventing skin darkening. Also this vitamin can promote skin cell regeneration process, thus reducing the appearance of scars and marks and making the skin bright, even toned and glowing. Furthermore, vitamin C controls melanin production to help to lighten our complexion. Also, it can increase collagen level in our skin, that further helps to lighten marks, scars and makes our skin plump, youthful as well as glowing. Rose water is one of the best natural sources of vitamin E, which helps with lightening pigmentation and making the skin even toned and radiant. Vitamin E, with its anti oxidant properties, protects skin from UV damage and skin darkening. Also it helps to replenish the skin with lost moisture and makes skin soft, supple and glowing. 3. Plum and Banana Remedy for Skin Care How to use plum and banana for skin care? Take a small ripe banana and mash it using a fork. Take 2-3 ripe plums and take out the pulp. Mash them in a bowl and mix it with 1-2 tsp mashed banana. Apply the resultant mixture on the face as well as neck. Gently massage the skin with your fingertips for couple of minutes. Keep it on the skin for another 15-20 minutes and then wash off with plain water. Reapply this home remedy with plum and banana to get healthy, beautiful skin twice or thrice in a week. Also read How to Use Milk to Treat Wrinkles – Know the Benefits Best Home Remedies to Cure Cracked Heels You Must Try How to Use Turmeric for Skin Lightening – Know the Benefits Benefits – Banana comes with great moisturizing benefits for our skin. Banana contains a high amount of potassium, which is a vital mineral to improve skin texture. Potassium helps to improve blood circulation in the skin, which in turn, ensures better flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to the skin cells. This further nourishes the skin cells, repairs the damages and helps to restore healthy, soft and supple skin. Along with potassium, banana is rich in several other skin nourishing vitamins. It contains a good amount of vitamin A, that help increasing sebum production in the skin, thus moisturizing dry skin and healing it over time. The B vitamins found in banana are enriched with anti oxidant benefits. They fight off the free radicals and environmental elements to protect the skin from several problems such as, dryness, premature aging, etc. Banana is rich in vitamin C as well, that fights off free radicals and also boosts collagen production in the skin to help us achieve soft, healthy and firm skin. In addition, vitamin E present in banana also contribute to healthy skin. It helps with replenishing the skin with lost moisture, thus giving relief from dry skin. Vitamin E, with its anti oxidant benefits, supports healthy cell growth to make skin soft, supple and healthy. Furthermore, banana contains skin nourishing amino acids, that soften the skin texture by nourishing the skin cells. It is no secret that exfoliation is important for healthy skin. Banana has the ability to exfoliate the skin and remove the impurities to make way for soft, radiant and smooth skin. 4. Plum and Papaya Remedy for Skin Care How to use plum and papaya for skin care? Take few fresh papaya cubes and mash them using a fork. You can also blend the cubes to prepare a smooth papaya pulp. Keep the papaya pulp in a bowl. Take 2-3 plums and take out the pulp. Mash the pulp and then mix it with the papaya pulp. Mix together. Apply it all over the face as well as neck, massage a little and wait for 15-20 minutes. Wash off using plain water. Reapply this DIY skim care remedy with plum and papaya twice or thrice per week. Benefits – Papaya is a wonderful way to achieve healthy, glowing and soft skin. Papaya is the source of skin nourishing vitamins, such as vitamin A, B and C that help to treat skin dryness and restore soft and supple skin. Vitamin A is much required to heal dry skin, because it has the ability to boost sebum production in the skin, thus providing moisturization to dry and dehydrated skin. Papaya is a great source of B vitamins as well. They come with anti oxidant benefits and help fighting off the free radicals to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Also, the B vitamins support new cell regeneration that further ensures skin stays healthy and supple. Vitamin C, found in papaya, is an anti oxidant and one of the most important vitamins for healthy, soft skin. It protects skin from free radical damages as well as the harmful effects of environmental elements. Also, it boosts collagen production to restore soft, supple and glowing skin. Vitamin C also improves our complexion by reducing melanin synthesis. Papaya contains flavonoids, that are highly beneficial in healing damaged skin. The fruit is rich in potassium as well that help to boost blood circulation in the skin and makes skin soft, smooth and glowing. The natural enzymes present in papaya also offer wonderful benefits for our skin. It contains ‘papain’ enzyme that exfoliates our skin and removes dead skin cells layers to reduce the dryness of the skin and makes the skin supple and glowing. Along with papain, papaya is a source of AHAs as well as BHAs, that are beneficial to achieve healthy, soft and supple skin. In addition, the beta carotene in papaya boost cell regeneration and help to get soft skin. Furthermore, the anti inflammatory properties of papaya also aid in healing dry and irritated skin. Papaya contains lycopene, which comes with anti oxidant benefits. It is very effective in achieving soft, supple and healthy skin naturally. Here we discussed four different ways to use plum for skin care. Hope you liked this article. Stay tuned for more such tips and remedies.


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