Benefits of Using Aloe Vera for Dry Hair


Benefits of Using Aloe Vera for Dry Hair – How to Use – So winter is full on at the moment and most of us are busy searching for the best solution to our dry skin and chapped lips. But what about your precious locks? Have you noticed that with the mercury falling down, your hair has become quite dry and that silky, soft feel is missing somehow? Hair is looking dull and lifeless, aren’t they? How to restore life back to your hair? Using your regular shampoo and conditioner is definitely not enough. Our locks require a bit of extra pampering in the form of hair masks. And for best result, try natural hair masks. Aloe vera, for example, can do wonders to bring life back to your mane. How to use it? Well, know about the benefits and various applications of aloe vera for dry hair below.Check – Coconut Oil for Dry Scalp Benefits of Using Aloe Vera for Dry Hair Aloe vera is extremely beneficial for dry hair treatment. Aloe vera works as a natural hair conditioner and keep the hair soft and smooth. It is rich in water that help hydrating the hair and eliminates dryness. Furthermore, aloe vera is a source of various hair friendly nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin C as well as vitamin E. These nutrients work extremely well to repair dry hair and restore soft, smooth and silky hair. Vitamin A increases sebum production in the scalp, that help providing the much needed moisturization and repairs dry hair effectively. Vitamin E has anti oxidant properties that fight off the free radicals and prevent hair damages, including dry hair, damaged hair, dandruff, hair fall etc. Also it replenishes the hair with lost moisture and eliminates dryness. Vitamin C also is an anti oxidant and fights off the free radicals to help us maintain healthy hair. It also has hydrating benefits, that further help with treating dry hair. Not just dry hair, but aloe vera is considered as a great natural remedy to soothe dry, itchy scalp as well. It contains proteolytic enzyme which help repairing the dead cells on the scalp, and reduce the itching as well as dryness. Furthermore, aloe vera is beneficial to maintain healthy scalp. The anti viral as well as anti bacterial benefits of aloe vera provide relief from dandruff and other fungal infections on the scalp. Plus it hydrates and moisturizes the scalp to prevent future dandruff formation. Olava Naturals Aloe Vera Gel is a premium quality, 100% pure and non-toxic aloe vera gel. It is a multipurpose product and works equally well for both skin as well as hair. To know more, read the review here. Best Ways to Use Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Dry Hair 1. Simple Aloe Vera Remedy to Cure Dry Hair How to do? Apply pure aloe vera gel directly on the scalp or you can dilute it with some water for easier application. Apply all over the scalp as well as hair and massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes. Leave it on for another 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this simplest remedy with aloe vera once or twice in a week to treat dry hair naturally. 2. Aloe Vera and Egg Yolk Remedy for Dry Hair Treatment How to use aloe vera and egg yolk for dry hair? Break open an egg and separate the egg yolk and white. In a bowl, take the egg yolk and mix it with some pure aloe vera gel. Mix the ingredients and massage it on to the scalp. Also apply some on to the length of the hair. Let it sit for 30-40 minutes and use a mild shampoo to wash it off. Reapply this homemade hair pack for dry hair with aloe vera and egg yolk 1-2 times in a week. Benefits – Eggs have been used since ages to get soft, smooth, healthy hair. Eggs contain various nutrients, which work wonderfully to boost our hair health. Protein deficiency is a common factor that can damage our hair texture, making it dry and dull. The high amount of protein present in egg yolk effectively nourishes the hair strands and reduces the dryness of the hair. Egg yolk works as a natural conditioner for our hair. Egg yolk contains a good amount of vitamin A, which is essential for repairing dry hair. Vitamin A eliminates dryness from the hair strands by increasing sebum production from the oil glands present on the scalp. This provides the much needed moisturization as well as nourishment to the hair and keep them soft and shiny. Along with vitamin A, egg yolk is enriched with healthy fatty acids that also moisturize and hydrate dry hair. Also, they help sealing the open cuticles on the outer layer of the hair, thus reducing the frizz of the hair. Regular use of egg yolk leads to smooth and silky hair. In addition, egg yolks come with a good amount of B vitamins as well as vitamin E. These vitamins are extremely beneficial to rejuvenate dull and dry hair by nourishing the hair follicles. They enhance blood circulation in the scalp, that further helps to nourish the hair follicles with improved the supply of oxygen and other important nutrients. Vitamin E is specially known for its deep moisturization properties. It is an anti oxidant and helps to protect the hair from various damages including free radical damages and UV damages. It helps to replenish the hair with lost moisture, thus reducing dryness. Furthermore, the lutein found in egg yolks help to maintain the natural elasticity of the hair, which is highly beneficial to treat brittle hair, split ends as well as hair breakage due to dryness. Biotin is one such vitamin that is extremely important for hair care. Lack of biotin can cause excessive hair loss and dryness of hair as well. Egg yolk is a great source of Biotin which helps to restore hair health. Sulfur is another essential nutrient for gorgeous hair. It helps to prolong the ‘growth’ phase of our hair growth cycle, as well as supports keratin to make our hair even stronger. Egg yolk contains sulfur, which further aids in improving our hair health. 3. Aloe Vera and Avocado Remedy to Fix Dry Hair How to use aloe vera and avocado for dry hair? Take one ripe avocado and cut it in half. Remove the seed and the skin and take out the flesh. Put the avocado and some pure aloe vera gel in a blender and blend together. Take it out and apply it with your fingertips all over the scalp as well as hair. Keep it on for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this home remedy for dry hair with aloe vera and avocado once or twice in a week. Benefits – Avocado is extremely beneficial for dry hair treatment. Regular application of avocado provides a boost of deep conditioning benefits and nourishment to our hair and repair dull and damaged hair. Avocado is rich in mono unsaturated fatty acids, which come with excellent moisturization benefits. One of the best benefits of using avocado for dry hair care is that it gives relief from dull, rough and unmanageable hair by locking moisture into the hair strands and nourishing them. Apart from fatty acids, avocado contains various hair friendly nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin D, vitamin E as well as proteins, amino acids, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, copper, iron, etc. These nutrients are highly effective to repair dry, damaged hair and make them healthy, soft and smooth. Vitamin A in avocado helps to give relief from dry hair and scalp by increasing sebum production in the scalp. The sebum moisturize the scalp and hair and keep dryness at bay. Also vitamin E in avocado is known for its moisturizing benefits. It replenishes our hair with lost moisture and eliminates the dryness over time. Furthermore, the anti oxidant benefits of vitamin E protect our hair from several damages and its deep conditioning properties help to heal dry and dehydrated hair. Biotin is vital for healthy hair and any deficiency of the same can cause severe hair loss as well as dull and rough hair. Avocado contains a good amount of biotin, thus supporting healthy hair. Also the natural oil present in avocado deeply moisturizes our hair and repairs the dryness. The protein content of avocado also help with dry hair treatment. Furthermore, avocado is a great source of anti oxidants and phytosterols, that block the free radicals and protect our hair from a number of damages including dry hair, hair fall, premature graying, etc. Also read Simple Papaya Hair Pack for Healthy Hair You Can Try at Home Simple Homemade Curry Leaves Hair Mask to Grow Long Hair Best Homemade Hair Mask for Dandruff Removal – 100% Works 4. Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil Remedy to Combat Dry Hair How to use aloe vera and coconut oil for dry hair? Take two tbsp each of pure aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Mix together and apply the mixture all over the hair as well as scalp and massage thoroughly for some time. Keep the hair mask on for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this DIY remedy with aloe vera and coconut oil once or twice in a week to get rid of dry hair naturally. Benefits – Coconut oil is an amazing yet easily available natural ingredient to get rid of dry hair. It is a source of several hair nourishing fatty acids, that help nourishing our hair and repair dry hair. Regular use of coconut oil can restore soft, shiny, smooth and healthy hair naturally. These fatty acids are extremely moisturizing in nature and they help restoring soft, shiny and smooth hair by providing a boost of moisturization to dry hair. Along with fatty acids, coconut oil contains several other hair friendly nutrients as well. These nutrients also help to nourish and repair dry hair effectively. Moisture loss from the hair strands lead to dry and dehydrated hair. However, excess moisture build up on the hair shafts can also cause dry and frizzy hair. Coconut oil, with regular use, creates a protective layer on the hair strands and help preventing moisture loss as well as excess moisture retention. Coconut oil can penetrate the hair follicles deeply and repair the dryness from within. Free radicals as well as various environmental elements can cause hair damage and dry hair. The anti oxidants present in coconut oil fight off the free radicals and other hair damaging factors to protect our hair from a number of problems, including dry hair, split ends, hair breakage, dandruff, premature graying of hair etc. Being rich in nutrients, coconut oil helps in boosting blood circulation in the scalp with regular application. Better blood circulation results in better transportation of oxygen and other nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. This way, coconut oil helps to rejuvenate the scalp and nourish the hair follicles as well as hair strands and improves hair texture. Coconut oil contains both omega 6 as well as Omega 9 fatty acids, and these two fatty acids are highly beneficial to keep hair soft, smooth and healthy. Not just hair, but coconut oil is must for maintaining a healthy scalp as well. The anti bacterial as well as the anti fungal benefits of coconut oil help driving away dandruff and other scalp infections and restore healthy scalp naturally. 5. Aloe Vera and Shea Butter Remedy to Treat Dry Hair How to use aloe vera and shea butter for dry hair? Take 1-2 tbsp of raw shea butter and melt it using a double boiler or microwave. Remove from the heat and once it feels warm to touch, add 1-2 tbsp pure aloe vera gel to it. Mix them together to prepare the hair mask. Apply it all over the scalp as well as hair and wait for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this DIY hair mask with aloe vera and shea butter for dry hair care once or twice in a week. Benefits – Shea butter comes with amazing moisturizing benefits. We know that it works great to heal dry skin, however shea butter also works equally well to repair dry and damaged hair. Shea butter works as a wonderful natural hair conditioner and helps to restore shiny, smooth, soft hair. It has natural humectant benefits, which help locking moisture to the hair strands and maintain the moisture content of the hair. Also shea butter coats our hair strands and prevents moisture loss from the hair. This is how shea butter helps to restore moisture to the hair and repairs our hair texture. Shea butter is a great source of saturated fats as well as nourishing fatty acids. Both these ingredients are extremely beneficial to repair dry and damaged hair. Shea butter provides nourishment to dry and rough hair and helps to get smooth hair. Regular application of shea butter makes hair silkier, smoother and shinier over time. Shea butter is enriched with various vitamins, including vitamin A as well as vitamin E. Both of these vitamins are known for their moisturizing properties. Vitamin A helps to repair the dryness of hair as well as scalp by boosting sebum production in the scalp. This further adds moisturization to the hair strands and makes hair smooth. Vitamin E is known for its anti oxidant benefits. It helps in replenishing the hair with lost moisture content. Also being an anti oxidant, vitamin E helps to protect the hair from UV damage as well as heat-styling damages, both of which can lead to rough and dry hair. The anti inflammatory properties of shea butter work together with its moisturizing benefits and help to maintain healthy scalp as well as healthy, smooth hair. Shea butter is a great natural remedy for dandruff as well as dry and itchy scalp. Here we presented you with five effective hair masks with aloe vera for dry hair care. The best part of using these DIY remedies is that they are completely chemical free. With consistency and a little patience, you’ll have hair that looks great and feels healthy even amidst harsh winter.


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