Tree Hut Rainbow Sherbet Shea Sugar Body Scrub is one of several new body scrubs that launched for Summer 2024. Lord knows, I do not need another Tree Hut Body Scrub but this one was too tempting and it somehow fell into my cart during a recent Target visit. These scrubs are an affordable little treat myself type of moment and I love when they release the seasonal ones (although, I’m always scared that the limited-edition ones will never return). I’m convinced these scrubs have made my elbows the smoothest they’ve ever been.
This scrub has the traditionally squishy, blobby consistency all Tree Hut Scrubs have. They aren’t terribly greasy nor oily (which is a perk as I’m not slipping around the shower when I use them) but still have a grainy consistency that acts to exfoliate skin without being too harsh.
But what’s Tree Hut Rainbow Sherbet Shea Sugar Body Scrub smell like? That’s the important question right?
If you grew up in New York I’m pretty sure you’ve experienced the joy of that moment when the local pizza joint started carrying Italian Ices for the Summer. Now, Italian Ices can go one of two ways. You may run across joints in and around the boroughs that carry ices all year round but natives know the really good ices only coming around during the Summer months. The ices come in huge ice cream barrels and were scooped up and served in a small paper cup. The flavors normally were cherry which of course turned your tongue red, lemon, chocolate (my favorite), and rainbow which was a mix of cherry, lemon, and blueberry. As I child I always appreciated the rainbow but as I got a bit older chocolate was most definitely my favorite.
If you were extra fancy you could head to the local bodega to get your Italian Ice vibes on. Those would be rock solid and they’d come with a small wooden spatula you’d use to scrap back and fourth across the ice. I was never concerned I’d get a splinter on my tongue but I do remember chewing on those wooden “spoons” and I wonder how I survived without that happening.
And if you’re super duper fancy maybe you’d hit up the Bronx and find a man with a block of ice on a cart that would shave you some off and serve it up to you in any array of flavors. I don’t think the filth of that block of ice every entered my mind back then (I may or may not still buy oranges from the dude walking around Fordham Road in the middle of traffic with a shopping cart filled with some of the sweetest ones you ever tasted!). I wouldn’t touch it with a twenty foot pole now but as a kid well, I guess I was immortal. My mom always says you have to eat a pound of dirt before you die.
Anyway, Tree Hut Rainbow Sherbet Shea Sugar Body Scrub brings back good memories. In the jar this smells exactly like a rainbow Italian Ice. Lemony, icy, sweet…! It’s lovely. You don’t get any sort of cherry note but the lemony ones is there and somehow, someway they do captured that yummy rainbow sherbet vibe.
Sadly, it didn’t quite smell as a good in the shower. It’s a bit too “I left lemonade in the fridge for too long” smelling. It sort of has this weird bitter lemonade fridge scent to it. I will say I’m alone in my assessment as most of the reviews I read are really positive. I personally, just didn’t love the way it smelled out of the jar. It’s a bit bitter and stale smelling with lots of lemon and lime but no sweetness to balance it out which makes it sour smelling. If you like lemons and want sweeter, tart, and zesty I’d recommend the Tree Hut Candied Lemon Sugar Scrub (one of my favs) but this just isn’t doing Lemon’s right 🙁
It could be my nose but I’m giving Tree Hut Rainbow Sherbet Shea Sugar Body Scrub a thumbs down. This just wasn’t my favorite scent from Tree Hut.
Tree Hut Rainbow Sherbet Shea Sugar Body Scrub is available now. Have you smelled it? Thoughts? Do share!
Where to buy
Ulta Walmart Target