A New Frontier in Pet Health and Tracking


At CES 2024, Invoxia, renowned for their tracking technology, has announced a significant advancement in pet care with the introduction of the Invoxia Minitailz Smart Pet Tracker. This AI-powered wearable device is designed for both cats and dogs, offering an innovative approach to monitoring pet health and location.
What is Minitailz?
Minitailz is a compact, AI-driven wearable that offers comprehensive health and location tracking for pets. It stands out with its ability to monitor biometric data, including heart and respiratory rates, and even detect Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) – a serious heart condition. This feature is particularly notable as AFib is often undetected in pets until it’s too late.
Key Features of Minitailz
Biometric Monitoring: Utilizes advanced sensors and deep learning algorithms to track pets’ cardio-pulmonary health with 97%-99% accuracy.AI-Powered Insights: The device’s AI processes sensor data to provide actionable insights and personalized reports about pets’ health.Activity and Location Tracking: In addition to health monitoring, Minitailz tracks pets’ location and activities, differentiating between actions like walking, running, and resting.AFib Detection: The HeartPrint Technology™ in Minitailz makes it possible to detect Atrial Fibrillation, a significant advancement in pet health monitoring.

Design and Compatibility
Minitailz’s design is versatile, allowing it to be attached to almost any dog or cat collar. It’s small and lightweight, ensuring comfort for pets of all sizes. The device comes with a long-lasting battery, reducing the need for frequent charging.
Location Tracking Capabilities
Invoxia has incorporated their GPS expertise into Minitailz, offering real-time location tracking. This includes advanced features like geofencing and alerts, providing peace of mind to pet owners.
Scientific Backing and Clinical Validation
Invoxia’s efforts are supported by a scientific advisory board, including experts from Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The technology is in the process of gaining clinical validation, highlighting its potential impact in veterinary medicine.
Availability and Pricing
The Minitailz for dogs is available from January 7, 2024, while the cat version will be released in March 2024. Priced at $99, with a subscription starting at $8.30 per month, these devices can be purchased at petcare.invoxia.com.
In conclusion, Invoxia’s Minitailz is more than just a tracker; it’s a comprehensive health and location monitoring solution for pets. With its sophisticated technology and focus on preventative care, Minitailz is a significant step forward in pet health management. Pet owners now have a powerful tool to keep a closer watch on their furry friends’ well-being and whereabouts.

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