GSMArena labs: would you subscribe to a newsletter?


The tech world can be pretty hectic at times, so you might miss a major event that you have been waiting for. We highlight important developments in our Week in review posts, but we were wondering whether a weekly newsletter might be more convenient for you. What do you think?

The newsletter will contain a brief summary of recent events with links to articles with more details. This will include things like phone launches, important software updates, official and unofficial reports on upcoming devices, other leading news from the industry and (of course) our detailed reviews and videos.

If we start a newsletter, would you sign up to receive one every week?

If you voted “yes” above, then we’d like to hear your thoughts on what the newsletter should contain and how it should be structured. Your opinions will help shape the newsletter, so leave us a comment below telling us what you think should go into the weekly email, what shouldn’t, ideas on the format and whatever else you think is important.


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