How to Use Yogurt to Treat Flaky Scalp


How to Use Yogurt to Treat Flaky Scalp – Know the Benefits – Dry and flaky scalp is a common problem for many of us, specially during winter. The funny thing is, though scalp is considered as our skin (organ), but treating dry skin is far easier than treating dry and flaky scalp. Those who suffer from dry scalp every winter already know how difficult it is to find a suitable remedy for the same. Keeping that in mind and to make your life a little easier, we thought of sharing this article on using yogurt to treat flaky scalp. Dryness and flakiness of scalp often makes it sensitive and that’s why, we think opting for a natural remedy is the best way to restore healthy scalp. Yogurt is known for its unmatched moisturization benefits, which makes it a great choice to treat flaky scalp. Read below to know more.Check – Shea Butter for Dry Hair Care Benefits of Using Yogurt to Cure Flaky Scalp Yogurt has multiple benefits for our hair and scalp. It works as a natural hair conditioner and repairs hair texture as well as treats dry, flaky scalp effectively. Yogurt is known for its wonderful moisturizing properties which heal the dryness of the scalp and help with dandruff flakes removal as well. Dryness of the scalp is a major factor behind dandruff formation. The anti inflammatory properties of yogurt help soothing the irritated scalp and provide relief from the itchiness and inflammation caused by stubborn dandruff. Yogurt contains plenty of vitamins, proteins as well as minerals, that work together to provide nourishment to the scalp and restore its health, thus making it more resistant to dandruff and other scalp problems. Furthermore, the probiotics present in yogurt also contribute to healthy scalp and keep dandruff flakes at bay. They help to drive away the bacteria present on scalp and restores scalp health. The anti oxidant properties of yogurt also help to protect the hair and scalp from free radical damages, which is a major cause behind dry, flaky scalp. Along with moisturization, yogurt offers excellent cleansing benefits for our scalp as well. due to the presence of lactic acid. Lactic acid is a powerful AHA, which exfoliates the scalp and removes the impurities from the scalp to help restore a healthy scalp. Along with exfoliation, lactic acid nourishes and moisturizes the scalp to treat dryness of the scalp and boosts our overall scalp health. Best Ways Use Yogurt to Treat Flaky Scalp 1. Simple Yogurt Remedy to Get Rid of Flaky Scalp How to do? Take a cup of plain, fresh yogurt and whisk it with a fork. Apply it all over the scalp as well as hair and gently massage with your fingertips for few minutes. Wear a shower cap and cover your hair. Wait for an hour before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this simple remedy with yogurt once or twice in a week to treat flaky scalp naturally. 2. Yogurt and Olive Oil Remedy to Repair Flaky Scalp How to use yogurt and olive oil for flaky scalp? Take 2-3 tbsp of cold pressed olive oil and add that to half a cup of fresh, unflavored yogurt. Mix both of them together and prepare a hair mask. Apply that all over the hair as well as scalp and gently massage with your fingertips. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Reapply this DIY flaky scalp care remedy with yogurt and olive oil once or twice in a week. Benefits – Olive oil is an excellent natural ingredient for hair care. It has multiple benefits for our hair as well as scalp. Olive oil works wonderfully to treat scalp dryness with it’s great moisturization properties. Dryness of the scalp is a major factor behind dandruff flakes formation. Regular use of olive oil moisturizes the scalp and heals dryness, thus preventing dandruff occurrence. Massaging the scalp with olive oil help softening the existing dandruff flakes and helps with removing them easily. The hair styling products, dirt, sweat and other impurities often create build up on the scalp surface. Olive oil, with regular application, softens the build up and removes them to clear off the scalp. This kind of build up can also cause extreme hair fall. By removing the build up, olive oil helps preventing the hair fall. These build ups clog the hair follicles that can otherwise hinder hair growth and also make the scalp dirty and unhealthy. The free radicals, which are the by-product of metabolism process, can also cause dry, flaky scalp. Olive oil is rich in anti oxidants that help fighting off the free radicals and protecting the scalp and hair from various damages. The various nutrients in olive oil help in boosting blood circulation in the scalp with regular massage. This further leads to better oxygen supply to the scalp and hair follicles to nourish them, eliminate the dryness and boost the scalp health. This way, scalp becomes more resistant to dryness, dandruff flakes and other scalp problems. The key to healthy hair and healthy scalp is to maintain the ideal pH balance of the scalp, and regular application of olive oil helps in doing so. 3. Yogurt and Banana Remedy to Cure Flaky Scalp How to use yogurt and banana for flaky scalp? Take one ripe banana and mash it. To the mashed banana, add 4-5 tbsp of plain, fresh yogurt. Mix together to prepare the hair mask. Apply the mask all over the scalp as well as hair. Massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes and then cover your hair with a shower cap. Wait for 30-40 minutes, before rinsing off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this home remedy for flaky scalp with yogurt and banana once or twice in a week. Benefits – Bananas are extremely beneficial for our hair and scalp. Banana moisturizes and hydrates the scalp as well as hair strands and help us achieve smooth, silky hair as well as a healthy scalp by eliminating dryness. Banana is enriched with anti oxidants and various nutrients such as, potassium, vitamins, calcium, carbohydrates as well as natural oils. These nutrients help moisturizing as well as nourishing dry, flaky scalp and reverse the damage. Banana is known for its high amount of potassium. Potassium is a vital mineral to fight off dryness of the scalp, because of it’s ability to hydrate and moisturize both internally and externally. Plus, the anti oxidant benefits of banana fight off the free radicals and protect our hair and scalp from various damages. Also the anti oxidant compounds found in banana work effectively to protect the scalp from environmental factors, such as UV damage, pollution, harsh wind, etc. that can also lead to dryness of scalp. Not only treating scalp dryness, but regular application of banana helps sealing the cuticles on the outer layer of the hair. Thus it smoothens hair texture and also reduces the chances of split ends. Furthermore, bananas can restore the natural elasticity of our hair and prevent hair breakage. Banana works as a natural conditioner for our hair, which not only repairs our hair texture, but also soothes dry, flaky and irritated scalp. The nutrients and anti oxidants in banana nourish the scalp including the hair follicles, repair the damages and leads to healthy hair and a healthy scalp. Also read Simple Home Remedies to Grow Long Hair Naturally Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Care – How to Use How to Use Argan Oil for Hair Care – Know the Benefits 4. Yogurt and Aloe Vera Remedy to Treat Flaky Scalp How to use yogurt and aloe vera for flaky scalp? Take two tbsp of fresh and unflavored yogurt and add 3-4 tbsp of pure aloe vera gel to that. Mix together and apply it all over the scalp as well as hair. Gently massage with your fingertips for some time. Wear a shower cap and wait for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with a gentle shampoo. Reapply this yogurt and aloe vera hair mask once or twice in a week to get rid of flaky scalp effectively. Benefits – Aloe vera works wonderfully to treat dry and flaky scalp. It comes with amazing soothing and moisturizing properties, which help to eliminate dryness and restore healthy scalp. It adds a boost of moisturization to dry, flaky scalp and helps healing the dryness. Dry scalp often feels very itchy and aloe vera also helps to get rid of that itchiness. Aloe vera comes with anti pruritus benefits and, when applied on the scalp, it provides relief from the itchiness of the scalp caused by dryness as well as dandruff. Furthermore, the anti inflammatory properties of aloe vera help soothing the dry, flaky and irritated scalp quickly. Dryness of the scalp is also the reason behind getting dandruff. Aloe vera comes with natural anti fungal properties, which help destroying the dandruff causing fungus and also prevents it from returning. The pH balance of the scalp can get disrupted by using harsh hair cleansers, low quality cleansers and wrong hair care products. To avoid scalp dryness throughout the year, it is very important to maintain the ideal pH balance of the scalp. Regular application of aloe vera restores the ideal pH balance of the scalp, thus keeping it healthy. Aloe vera comes with pectin and polysaccharides, that boost healthy cell growth. These healthy cells replace the dead and damaged cells on the scalp and eliminate the dryness. This way, aloe vera restores a healthy scalp as well as make it resistant to dryness, dandruff and other scalp irritations. Aloe vera is a source of several vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that help nourishing the scalp and reverse the damages. Olava Naturals Aloe Vera Gel is a premium quality, 100% pure and non-toxic aloe vera gel. It is a multipurpose product and works equally well for both skin and hair. To know more, read the review here. 5. Yogurt and Coconut Oil for Flaky Scalp Treatment How to use yogurt and coconut oil for flaky scalp? Add 2-3 tbsp of pure coconut oil to half a cup of fresh, unflavored yogurt. Mix the two ingredients together and prepare a hair mask. Apply that all over the hair as well as scalp, massaging gently with fingertips. Continue massaging for few minutes and then let the mask stay for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off using a mild shampoo. Reapply this DIY remedy with yogurt and coconut oil once or twice in a week to fight off flaky scalp naturally. Benefits – Coconut oil has the ability to resolve a number of hair problems. It works equally well for our scalp. Dry, flaky scalp is a major problem for many of us. Coconut oil comes with amazing moisturizing benefits, that provides moisturization to heal dryness of the scalp. Regular application of coconut oil helps to avoid dry, flaky scalp. Dry scalp leads to dandruff formation. Coconut oil, with its amazing moisturizing benefits, helps in healing the dryness of the scalp. Regular coconut oil massage helps with softening the existing dandruff flakes on the scalp and it becomes easy to remove them. Enriched with natural anti bacterial, anti fungal as well as anti microbial properties, coconut oil helps destroying the dandruff causing fungus and provides relief from stubborn dandruff flakes as well as soothe the scalp. Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids, which are responsible for the hair beneficial properties of the oil. Lauric acid is one such medium chain fatty acids, that is found aplenty in coconut oil. It provides nourishment to heal dryness of the scalp. Also lauric acid helps massively with dandruff flakes removal. Regular scalp massage with coconut oil helps to maintain a healthy and balanced scalp, not too dry, not too oily. This further helps to maintain a dandruff free scalp. Coconut oil has deep penetrating properties. When applied on the scalp, it penetrates the hair follicles deeply and nourishes them, which further keeps the scalp healthy, nourished and dandruff free. Furthermore, coconut oil comes with anti oxidant compounds as well as several other hair friendly nutrients, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, lauric acid, capric acid, iron, etc. They add a boost of nourishment to the scalp as well as hair roots for healthy and dandruff free hair. It has been seen that, regular scalp massage with coconut oil boosts blood circulation in the scalp. This ensures that the scalp and hair follicles get optimum nourishment and become resistant to scalp dryness, dandruff flakes and other scalp conditions. These were five simple ways to use yogurt to treat flaky scalp naturally. These remedies will not only treat flaky scalp, but also provide nourishment to the hair and over time, with continuous use, hair becomes soft, silky and gorgeous.


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