Latest Obsessions (And They Aren’t All Beauty)


Wakey wakey! Friday is here and it’s like the longest week ever even though a lot of us didn’t work on Monday. Like why? It feels so damn long. Anyway, I hope you had a very Happy New Year and I wish for you what I wish for myself in the New Year and that’s plenty of happiness and health for yourself and your family members.
I have a new love list of obsessions to share with you but first, what are your current obsessions? I accept all forms of obsessions here at Musings of a Muse be they food obsessions, TV show obsessions, book obsessions, or beauty ones. No obsession is turned away at the door, all are welcome. So, tell me yours so I can obsess over them too!
Here are mine!

I am obsessed with Miss Scarlet and the Duke. I have been an avid Masterpiece Mystery (and Theater one) lover for years and years and years and years but I DID not watch Miss Scarlet and the Duke until late last month. GASP! Shock! I know. I think I originally missed the first airing on PBS and I sort of got busy and didn’t follow up and here we are headed in to Season 4 and I am just starting it. But I’m catching up and enjoying ever bit of it. It’s a lovely little show to get lost in when the nights are cold. Yesterday I lit a fire in my home office, curled up in my chair, and watched a quickie episode while I took my lunch break! It was a delicious way to spend an hour! Do recommend.

Speaking of TV I’m somewhat obsessed over Saltburn at the moment and trying to wrap my head around what the hell it is we watched there. Did that really all happen? I’m still traumatized and obsessed with the idea of getting a sequel. Can someone get to work on that ASAP? And if you have never heard anything about this at all please might I recommend you go into watching it blind folded? It’s WAY more shocking and fun that way!

Btw now that I mentioned “warm and cozy” how about “cool and cozy”? A cooler room makes you fall asleep fast and stay asleep. But does a cooling comforter? I got a REST Evercool Cooling Comforter for Christmas from a Secret Santa (it was a home edition Secret Santa so that explains why a comforter haha) and it’s the weirdest comforter I’ve ever owned. I’m obsessed with the fabric. It’s so soft and squishy. But the really interesting part is it feels like an AC for your bed. It’s refreshingly cool on your skin. I’m not a hot sleeper but sometimes when you have the heat on you need a little relief and this is perfect for keeping you warm yet oddly cool at the same time.
If Kayali Yum Pistachio Gelato 33 was a major disappointment for you might I say that Pistachio Khair is very similar, a bit sweeter, and a much nicer fragrance! And speaking of pistachio if you love the Pistaché Body Butter I reviewed you need the Pistaché Pistachio Biscotti Perfume! So yum!
I’m not gonna lie to you. Never have, never will. I get chin hair. So, yeah, not going to be that girl that says “I’m hair-free weeee!” I’m not hair-free. And yeah, I get a little chin whisker or two. If you have this problem welcome to my little club. If you have this issue or even like plucking your brows here and there I highly recommend this $5 Ingrown Hair Tweezers on Amazon. Dudeeeeeeee dude….it’s a game changer. Seriously, the best tweezer I own. I love how this plucks hairs right out quick as a whip!
My sister always fills my Christmas stocking up with awesome stuff. This year she brought me this phone arm and Tiktok Scrolling/Kindle Page Turner Ring. Best two gifts ever. The phone arm is attached to our bedroom frame and I snap my phone on it when using the ring. What’s the ring? The most awesome invention ever. It’s a small little ring that allows you to swipe through Tiktoks or turn the pages on your Kindle App while reading without touching your phone or holding your phone. I snap my phone in the phone holder/arm and I swipe through the pages of my book or if I’m on Tiktok I can swipe through Tiktoks easily! Freaking awesome!

What are your latest obsessions?
Share ’em!


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