Monetizing Phone Activities: What Are the Options?


Are you fond of your smartphone? Don’t just use it to scroll through social media when free. Use your screen time to get some little extra cash. If you’ve heard about generating money online and find it interesting, this article is for you. 

Whether you’re broke or would like to boost your income, you can get paid by leveraging those fingertips on your phone. Here, you will gain some insights on how you can do that. And to ensure that you’re safe while navigating the internet, we’ll share a few tips to protect your financial and personal data. 

Five Ways to Make Money Using Your Phone 

Make some good money spending time on your smartphone doing the following activities:

Manage Social Media

For the last decade, social media has been booming, hence the need for more social media managers. By being one, your work is to handle various social media accounts. And with a social media planner,  you can manage all your client’s accounts in a single place.

So, if your client has platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, you can create and post content for them. To get started, learn how to become a social media manager. It takes a few steps, and you’re ready to kickstart your journey.

Participate in Online Surveys 

You can get paid for sharing your thoughts about a brand, service, or product. With many companies willing to pay you for that, take advantage and earn some coins. The process is pretty easy. All you need to do is use your phone to complete the surveys and give feedback on a product or service on particular platforms.

Create Content 

Content creation is another way to make money on your smartphone. With the help of an app, there is so much you can do. For instance, you can create engaging social ads, videos, reels, stories, banners, posts, graphics, and others. You can create content to educate or entertain others through your hobbies. 

To monetize content, firstly, you have to choose a topic you love and would like to get paid for. If you’re a foodie, start a blog that reviews the restaurants you’ve visited. And if you love dancing, create videos and post on TikTok to entertain people.

Become a Copywriter 

You can earn by simply copywriting on your phone. First, you need to install a word-processing app to help you write. Choose one that works for you and start writing inspiring copy for Instagram or Facebook captions. 

It could be writing descriptions, quotes, or marketing materials. But it’s an excellent idea to make some extra cash. As a beginner, you might want to join a freelance writing agency. That way, you’ll build a reputation and be sure to get paid for your work.

Start a Podcast

If you’re an expert in a topic, podcasting will give you some money. You can record and publish episodes with your phone and monetize them through adverts and sponsorships.  The first thing you do is build an audience for your podcast. Once that is done, keep feeding your listeners with great content. You’ll be surprised how lucrative that can turn out to be.

How to Stay Safe Online?

As you hustle online, never underestimate the seriousness of staying safe. Practice being cyber secure. It shows you’re mindful of your personal data and financial info. Also, you’ll stay away from online abuse, threats, bullying, and other kinds of attacks.

To be safe, apply the following proven tips:

Use unique and strong passwords. Instead of using the obvious passwords like Name123, create complex ones. Mix numbers, letters, and symbols in your passwords. They are hard to crack or guess.

Be watchful of Wifi. Avoid public wifi connections because cybercriminals can use them to get your data. If you can’t avoid unsecured networks, get a VPN that will mask your IP – explore the good ones mentioned in Reddit’s VPN comparison table. If you’re not using this security measure, it’s easy to get hacked and lose sensitive data.

Keep an eye on your credit reports. By monitoring your credit, you’ll ensure no one is trying to tamper with your finances. And if you want to protect yourself more, freeze your credit. It’s a great line of defense. You will be safe from identity theft and fraud.

Regularly update your phone’s software. You will not only experience new features but also upgrade security patches. The work of these patches is to protect you from any malicious activities. Not to mention, your data and privacy won’t be at any risk.


Monetizing your time spent on the phone can be fun! However, as you leverage and try out the above money-generating methods, remember to stay safe. Cyber attacks can happen to anyone on the internet, and it doesn’t matter what device you’re using.

EDITOR NOTE: This is a promoted post and should not be considered an editorial endorsement



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