Our favorite bird pictures: DPReview Editors’ Challenge results: Digital Photography Review


A few weeks ago, we issued a challenge to the DPReview community to show us your best bird photos in honor of World Migratory Bird Day. Over 270 of you submitted images of birds in flight, at home, hunting for dinner and more.
We love seeing your work! Thanks to everyone who submitted. We couldn’t call out every image we liked and tried to restrain ourselves to our favorite baker’s dozen (in no particular order).
If you don’t see your work here today, please don’t call fowl on the play. We encourage you to submit for our next challenge.
Also, a quick reminder to keep comments constructive and civil. To be blunt, it’s one thing for editors to receive harsh comments, but it’s another threshold to be rude to people not on our staff who want to make some images and share their work. Rule #1: Be nice. That’s it, there is no rule #2.


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